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Do you suffer from 'mascne'?

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

The 'mascne is a new term for a condition called mechanical acne. It is a specific form of acne triggered by friction or pressure on the skin from heavy clothing or protective equipment. In this case, acne is caused by wearing a mask or face covering for shorter or longer periods. Over the course of the day, moisture, sebum (the lipid film covering the skin), dirt and bacteria can build up underneath and cause rashes around the nose, cheeks and chin.

Although I am not personally in favor of wearing the mask since its effectiveness in protecting us against a virus in a community setting has never been demonstrated and it has side effects such as hypoxia (reduction of oxygen supply) and the famous mascne, some people are forced to submit to it. Here are 10 easy ways to avoid the mascne and relieve it, if necessary.

1- Wash, wash

Before putting on a mask and after taking it off - reduces the amount of bacteria

  • Choose a facial cleanser that won't dry out or irritate your skin.

  • Avoid aggressors: aluminum, retinyl acetate, parabens and polyethylene

  • Apply my honey face mask made from apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil and targeted essential oils (to adapt to your needs) at least once a week.

  • Why not take advantage of the mask application time to relax in a bath containing 2 cups of Epsom salt and a few drops of your favorite essential oils? I love rosewood, tangerine, niaouli and jasmine! The heat and value helps to open the skin pores and optimizes the penetration of the mask.

2. Exfoliate the face

  • This step is to remove dead skin cells and bacteria that lurk from your face. This is the key to warning the mascne.

  • You can make your own scrub by adding sea salt or ground oatmeal to a base like coconut oil.

  • We simply massage our face with the mixture and then rinse well. We follow either the face mask or a spray based on a lotion such as rose water or orange blossom water, then our favorite cream.

3. Use a natural moisturizer

  • Moisturizer is important because it helps prevent the dryness and itching that sometimes occurs and it creates a physical barrier that protects your skin against bacteria.

  • Again, you can simply opt for coconut oil because it contains lauric acid which has antibacterial properties.

  • You can add essential oils for acne. Lavender is a gentle and healing option that has the added benefit of helping us stay calm.

4. Lighten makeup

  • Always with a view to minimizing what can clog our skin and promote bacteria nests, we avoid foundation and bronzing powders as much as possible. Bacteria are also sometimes camouflaged in our makeup brushes, our puffs and our cosmetics so it is better to put the odds in our side!

5. Avoid foods that promote acne

  • In this chapter, dairy products - especially conventional - and sugar are at the top of the charts! Highly processed foods, fried foods as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks should also be avoided.

  • Emphasis is placed on colorful fruits and vegetables, lacto-fermented foods and drinks - kefir, kombucha, fermentations, etc., - fiber, organic protein (such as grass-fed beef, organic chicken and wild caught salmon).

  • We also look for foods rich in vitamin A - the queen of skin and mucous membranes such as spinach, kale, carrots and sweet potatoes.

6. Make hydration your priority!

  • Beautiful skin is well hydrated skin. Drought weakens it and makes it vulnerable to inflammation. A minimum of 1.5 L of spring water should be consumed per day. Choose water containing around 100 ppm of minerals. My favorite is Eska water which comes from my native Abitibi and which contains 87 ppm. Labrador is another good option.

7. Supplementing with probiotics

  • Oral and topical probiotics have great potential in treating acne, as well as slowing the signs of aging skin. Internally, we can opt for a probiotic with a strong affinity for the ENT sphere such as Fresh Biotics, We can also open the vegecapsules and mix their content with our mask or our cream.

8. Eat a good quality multivitamin

  • To face the many aggressions to which the skin is exposed and to renew its cells in an optimal way, the skin needs essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. Modern food is often lacking in several nutrients so it is best to leave nothing to chance. I opt for Ortho-Core which is in my opinion the best multivitamin and mineral on the market. It contains all the ingredients you need in the right biochemical forms, the right dosages and the right ratios. It is particularly rich in antioxidant phytonutrients and even contains sulforaphanes which support our detoxification process.

9. Sleeping Beauty was right

  • The skin regenerates during the night. Lack of sleep, stress and fatigue inevitably reflect on our skin. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

  • Stop your exposure to CRT screens at least 90 minutes before going to bed, do not have any electrical devices in your room, and sleep in total darkness. If necessary, use a supplement such as Melatonin Dual Cap

10. Always use a clean mask

  • Although this step may seem like a given, it is common to leave the mask lying around in the car or purse, or even on a table while eating. A Ziploc type bag should always be kept for storage to avoid contaminating the mask.

  • We should also avoid wearing it again and again throughout the week. If you use disposable masks, you must change it every day, or even more depending on your occupation. As for washable masks, i; you must have some since they must be washed every day.


It is often said that between 2 evils, you have to choose the lesser. Even if we go through all these steps, it is possible that we still suffer from mascne. Whether it is because of the favorable environment for bacteria that the mask provides, the increased stress to which we have been subjected for a year or the bad habits adopted during confinement, our whole organism has been put to the test! Let us remember that our skin is a reflection of what is happening inside us but that it also serves as an interface with others. We must therefore approach skin problems in a holistic and deeper way than simply in cosmetic terms. When our skin grumbles, it is often a sign that we need to pamper ourselves.

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